Welcome !

Fire those glutes and hit the porta-potty!

This steaming hot pile of content is devoted to all things marathon training.

The summer slog. Theraguns. Yasso 800s. Bonking. Dreaming the impossible dream. Eating enough gram crackers to crap out a cardboard box.

Coach Whack Daniels at work

Yes, we’ll cover all the ups and downs of long-distance running. And by we, I mean me, invisible 41-year-old human lady, Gwendolyn Knapp, and totally not my super expensive, extremely aloof, and possibly AI-generated divorced-dad of a coach Whack Daniels.

So sit back, relax, and thank heavens you’re not the one signed up for a spring marathon on May 6. Or if you are — well, get your puke bucket ready, cowboy, ‘cause we’re about to get sloppy with these intervals.

But first, a word from our sponsor: She Was In Track Clothes. Track clothes for runners who don’t know what intervals are. What are they?

Gwendolyn Knapp